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Haranczak / Navarre Performance Projects

Always Already


Always Already is an 8-hour performance installation by Karen Christopher (Goat Island) and Tara Fatehi, exploring the weaving together of plant, human, and machine.

Drawing on practices of weaving, two people construct a machine of wood, rope, masses of sheep wool, and 100 Forgotten Questions. The room turns into a loom, where small songs and dances encapsulate themes of patience, perseverance, and continuous becoming.

Audiences can come and go throughout the 8-hour installation, which references the length of a working day. They’re encouraged to watch the 7th hour (5.30 – 6.30pm) in full, when the performance takes on a thicker weave. This 1-hour performance focuses on transformation: ongoing processes of becoming, the hybridity of life inherent in the world, fluid identity, and acceptance. Singing of human beings becoming other things.

If you would like to get in touch about this work, please contact Hannah Slimmon, International Development Manager.

Out from ten layers of dusty beige sheeps wool peek two women in red tops, only their faces and one arm visible. On the right, a Middle Eastern woman with black hair and a fringe looks directly at us with one arm reaching out to the left and her hand loosely grips the wool. Underneath her and to the left is an older woman with grey hair lying on her side, head resting on her arm, eyes closed as if asleep.
Always Already by Haranczak / Navarre Performance Projects (Karen Christopher and Tara Fatehi). Image by Jemima Yong.